The Third Day

The Third Day

Chronicles the individual journeys of a man and woman who arrive on a mysterious island at different times. The story is told over six episodes in two distinct halves. "Summer", directed by Marc Munden (Utopia (2013), National Treasure (2016), sees Sam (Jude Law), a man drawn to a mysterious island off the British coast where he encounters a group of islanders set on preserving their traditions at any cost. "Winter", directed by Philippa Lowthorpe (Three Girls (2017), Swallows and Amazons (2016)), follows Helen (Naomie Harris), a strong-willed outsider who comes to the island seeking answers, but whose arrival precipitates a fractious battle to decide its fate. On it's first broadcast in the UK, placed between "Summer" and "Winter" is a separate immersive live-event called "Autumn"


Original Language



  • 6.4

    IMDB Rating

  • 340 min


  • 14 Sep 20

    Release Date

  • TV-MA

    Censor Rating

  • 1


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