What is CluePlay?

Clueplay is a platform that uses machine learning and human intelligence to provide shows and movie recommendations depending on your content watching tastes and preferences.

What are we solving?

We are solving the problem of content discovery.

In today’s time, with plethora of content providers and umpteen no of shows/movies to catch up, it often leaves us confused about what and where to watch next, we need a recommendation engine that understands our viewing preference and helps us discover best suited content across multiple platforms.

As we are profound users of streaming services and while discussing it with our friends, we found 3 key issues:

1. All major platforms have great recommendation engines but all are limited to their own content and more biased towards their originals

2. Most of the discovery platforms are not recommendation engines but filter based cataloguing platforms where you can use filters like genre, language, year of release etc. to just filter down content, it doesn’t read your preferences and offer content suggestions

3. Some third party recommendation engines exist are barely scratching the surface, since they only rely on high level metadata like genre and subgenres etc.

Why are we different?

While researching this problem, we came across quite a few websites that claim to be recommendation engines. However, most such platforms often end up being cataloguing platforms that just provide very basic discovery based on filters .In a nutshell, most of the recommendation services we have seen so far are just linking the content based on some public metadata or some large genre types and hence are not accurate.

But the content is more than that..it's amalgamation of so many creative things and not just some facts.

Let’s face it, artificial intelligence isn’t as intelligent as you’d like it to be. While you’ll discover some new shows/movies through various engines, nothing beats asking a human who will tell you about an obscure series or a cool new movie. Because only humans can understand the subtle nature of content making.

This is what we have done differently. We have adopted the concept of HUMACHINE LEARNING – Combining machine and human intelligence.

How are we doing it?

We have divided it in two layers – Human Intelligence and Machine Learning

Human Intelligence – Each piece of content is handcrafted in terms of breaking it down to it’s core DNA. The DNA of each content is defined by it’s genre, sub-genre, themes, setting, emotions it stirs, style of making, sub-texts, format of content etc. This gives unique DNA for each content, and this is something only human minds can do. A team of content curators continually works on generating this pool of DNA.

Machine Learning – Layer of machine learning has been applied to the content DNA extracted. This layer combines the DNA of content using a proprietary algorithm to match the same with consumer viewing preferences and also match one content with another. This helps us create a chain on connected tv shows or movies and then each chain is mapped to user preferences.

What are we offering and what to expect more!

We have developed Clueplay with one objective only – Help consumers discover content as best as they can.

Our Humanchine learning engine is completely designed and tuned towards discovery and that too in many forms. As a visitor, you can get instant suggestions using our profile based content recommendation. But we will strongly suggest you to also hang around a bit longer, create a taste profile and tell us what you like and discover more along the way of watching content.

We also want you to discover more content on our platform-we have curated special lists for you if you're too lazy, we have added customized filters if you want to be experimentative, we have sections just for you exclusively. We genuinely want you to explore the right content for you curated by humans so that you're not influenced by complex algorithms to watch 'their' content only!

We're new. We have our limitations because humans aren't as fast as machines maybe. But one thing we know for sure, we want you to pick the next best content for you...only for you. We will keep on adding more content, more options, more platforms etc. We will soon start our newsletters to keep you updated regularly. We will be growing stronger with our effort each day by adding more and getting more understanding of you. But isn't that content watching is... to help you to GROW (little) BETTER! :)

Please share our website and recommendations with your friends and families if you like our passion project and keep visiting us often to check out all our continuous updates just for you!