Marfa Girl

Marfa Girl

The story of Adam, a directionless 16-year-old teenager living in the working class town of Marfa, Texas, and his sexual relationships with his teenage beanpole girlfriend Inez, twenty-something neighbor, Donna who's got a child and a b.f. in jail and casually decides to have sex with Adam in lieu of a birthday present, an aggressive local artist, and his pregnant high school teacher,Miss Jones while an unhinged, misogynistic border patrol agent, Tomek watches over the neighborhood. Though apparently a bright kid, he's not really into school, and when he falls asleep during a rather approximate account of the French Revolution, his pregnant teacher, with a circa-1984 Madonna crucifix earring, feels the need to give the boy a "birthday spanking." What ensues is a web of sex, drugs, and violence as the Latino skater punks adjust to their gritty, aimless life in the dead end town.


Original Language



  • 5.2

    IMDB Rating

  • 105 min


  • 17 Dec 14

    Release Date

  • Unrated

    Censor Rating

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